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Click on the link below to start setting up your Twitter account.

Check out this article about how to engage with Twitter as a PLN 

Who should I follow? How do I build my Twitter network?

Start with following some well known professional networks that you already know about and some of your colleague that you work with. Start by taking a look at what they are reading and retweeting and follow those people and organizations too. Also, there are many articles with suggestions on who to follow around a particular topic. If you read an article or listen to a podcast follow those they are talking or writing about. It's amazing how fast your network can expand!

Professional Learning Network

Set up
Sign up for 
in-person PD this summer
Anchor 1

Veracross (SMS)

Office365 integration


Professional Network
  • AIMS

  • National Coalition of Girls Schools (NCGS)

  • NCTM

  • STEM PLC with local independent schools

  • LinkedIn: My Profile

My Twitter
Examples of Digital PLN to check out

Expanding your learning opportunities outside of your school or classroom is so important for your continued growth as an educator. I have grown as an educator through connecting with the following digital PLN opportunities. Following them on Twitter, reading blogs, and listening to podcasts has encouraged me to reflect on my own classroom and teaching and provided a space for me to consider how my teaching and my school could improve. 


Cult of Pedagogy






Microsoft Education Resources

Common Sense Media

EdTech Magazine K12


We Are Teachers

Holy Child has a commitment to providing professional development opportunities for Holy Child faculty, so again this summer we are offering summer technology professional development. This summer we are offering Big Ideas: Authentic Project-Based Learning, Digital Tools, and 1-1 Implementation for all faculty members. We are also extending it to the AIMS community and trying to collaborate with another independent school to collaborate and share our experience and expertise. Below is the signup form and to the right is the flyer with more information. 

Holy Child is connected with a variety of professional networks for independent schools and I would encourage you to take advantage of these workshops, meetings, and conferences throughout the years. I have participated in many of them and have learned and made professional connections that expand my own professional network.  

Listening to Podcasts

How do I find podcasts to listen to?

Many people that I follow on twitter also create podcasts or retweet about podcasts. Currently the podcasts that I listen to pretty consistently are Cult of Pedagogy, EdSurge, and TeacherCast. If you are looking for a place to start, I would start with these and check out the list of possible resources below.

How do you listen to podcast?

There are a variety of ways to listen to podcasts, but the most convenient way is to use your smartphone to stream or download podcasts using apps like itunes, Google Play, or Podcast Addict. It's helpful to download podcasts when you are on wifi, so you don't have to stream them when you are away from wifi (on a walk or in the car). Also, most podcasts are connecting to a website and can be listened to straight from their website. 

When do you find time to listen to these podcasts?

I love listening to podcasts around a variety of topics, but I find that educational podcast are particularly interesting because I feel like I'm learning and expanding my own professional experience while getting something else done :) I listen to podcast when I'm driving, running, walking, or doing stuff around the house. Usually I'm trying to get the most out of my time. 

What is a PLN? 

What is a PLN?

A Professional Learning Network (PLN) is a network of professionals and resources that teachers can utilize to grow and learn as an educator. The PLN should consist of faculty and administrators at the school or district level, but should also be expanded out to include educators and professionals around the world.

Why should teachers create and invest in a PLN?

As a teacher your job can be very isolating. As teachers we can get stuck in our classrooms, but it is our responsibility to engage in PLNs that support, encourage, and challenge us as educators to be better for our students. When teachers feel alone in trying to solve a problem or come up with a new creative ideas they should have a network that is there, but educators must first invest in the network. 

How can teachers expand their PLNs?

Getting outside of the classroom can be challenging with so much of our time already being taken with students, parent, and school needs. It can feel impossible to get connected with other educators in the building let alone take time away to go to a conference to meet other educators. The digital world and social media provide just that opportunity. Teachers can connect through Twitter, Facebook, Podcasts, and other online resources. Below you will find some ways to help you get started in building your digital and in person PLN.  

For this project we utilized the #typeAx3 to collaborate and share resources and ideas with each other. It was a great opportunity to learn from each other!

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